I probably really, really should wait longer before revealing this "secret", but yeah, I created 3-bot. I'm responsible for sending over 300 users the following PM, entitled "Review Delete Notification":
This message is to inform you that the following review, which you left for Alien Hominid on 12/6/07 at 11:37:21 AM, has been deleted:
Score: 0 / 10
Summary: STOLEN shit rite hur
Review: stolen rip off of ps2 versiun!
i can't belive all of you x-box idiots votin 5 n shit on this here flash
go blat blat on my 9 on you fools
i'm a REAL flash author so i know when FAKE assholes like dis be makin a travesty of the flash comunity
Please review the review guidelines in the FAQ to ensure that you're following the rules.
Also, be aware that repeated review deletions will result in administrative action against your account.
I intentionally wrote the date in the future, as a sign that it was fake (as if there weren't enough signs already). Some people theorized I was simply writing the date the European way (dd/mm/yy), so in some of the later PMs I started writing it 12/6/08.
Some people pointed out an inconsistency in that when M-Bot auto-writes a letter, the title is "Portal Review - Delete Notification". While this is true, that was the older pre-redesign way M-Bot did things, the new way is simply "Review Delete Notification" as in my PM.
In case you're wondering, I've gotten 109 replies as of writing this.
Every single reply I've gotten is priceless, I think about 100 people changed their NG passwords yesterday because of me. Of course, there were the rebels who tried to spam me or point out that "I KNEW UR FAKING IT U FUCKSHITTER IM REPORTING U PREPARE TO GET IP BANNED", and even a few responses that wrote things such as "I love you, I want you inside of me."
A while ago, I had fun writing stupid abusive reviews for popular flashes. Besides my Alien Hominid review that I've whored out like crazy by now, here's another gem I wrote for LittleFoot:
Overall Score: 0 / 10
Summary: sorry d00d
Review: but i got 2 vote low and stuff because i want 2 keep my dark aura my dark aura looks cool i think and i want to keep it plz
LOL soz i didnt watche it 0/5
i hope that m-bot feg doesnt deleete tihs review though................. im jus explaingin Y i did this so its not abusive im just given a explinantion u no?
no offensises
Anyway, inspired by this thread, I decided to make the alt account. Believe it or don't, EVERY single letter-bot has been taken; excluding Q-Bot, which for one reason or another is considered a "banned" account. The only options I had left were "3-Bot", "4-Bot", or "9-Bot".
9-Bot just seems random, and 4-Bot sounds like a potential reference to 4chan, so I chose 3-Bot and made up a BS story about him being the guardian bot over the other three (A-Bot, P-Bot, and M-Bot). I realize G-Bot is a real bot, but most people don't know about him anyway, and he doesn't have a weird robot user picture/level or a purple aura like the others do.
After editing M-Bot's user picture (which actually took awhile, considering I only have MS paint) I inverted it and flipped it horizontally. Here's a comparison if you care: 1/2/3
If your name is on the following list, and you aren't a moderator, chances are you've received a PM by 3-Bot:
1337er-than-you, 3141592, 5Dollar, A-Wahl, AapoJoki, AbelC, absent, Ajax-Cubed, Akradon, Aksumka, AlacritySoundz, Alastor, alicetheDroog, aListers, Anko, ant-king5, Argrest, ArmorAll, ashdacoolo12, AshimaClaw, AustinR, AwesomeSaurus, azwsxdcrfv, Bahamut, Basspro55, bigbadron, BigLundi, Bizarro, Blaze-Heatnix, bmj7, Bobkul, Bosor, Brick-top, bucher, cadreamer, Calcos, catman03, CefyJr, Ceti, Chakra-X, Champigne, chaorkid, Cheektoghetto, Chiklay4, Children-in-Heat, chris4321, Chronamut, condawg, connemaraproductions, Corky-D, courtday, craigalan, crazerfish50, Crue, Crusty-Wiwuh, CruzAzul-19, cuestaluis, damionford, DanJones, DanPanic, Dark-Phire, Dark-Raven235, DarkMana, Darknessium, David, davidofmk771, DavidOrr, Davood, dELtaluca, DepressedStone, Der-Lowe, devil003, DFox, Dj-Svenzo, DnaDraxxus, dodo-man-1, DonutMaster, Dookiemaister, DrHood, Ecke, EdgeCrimson, Ejit, EkkieBurt, elbekko, elkrobber, ElMicha, ElninoNM, EndGameOmega, Evgenii, Evil-Sausage, expressionParser, eyeothestorm, fahrenheit, FalanX, FattPandaa, fawnret, Fire, fli, Fr0z3nb14d3, Funky-F15, Fyndir, gameboyplayer, gamerking, gamerpeepinpa, Gamers-Gear, gapern, Gendo, GHOST-KILLA, GOD-OF-DEATH, Gooey-Pooey, Gorilla-Studios, GoryBlizzard, Grade-Zero, gregaaron89, HappyDude0, hashbrown, HeartbreakHoldout, HeavenDuff, HellzYeahCCR, HotActionYiffFur, Idiot-Finder, ikool, Iloveprocrastinating, Imacow, Imperator, InsaneZane, InsertFunnyUserName, IPoopedInYourMailbox, iros-industrial, iseesue12, Itsover9000, Jackotrades, Jamie, Jamiko, jEWjEWnAZI, jfella91, Jockk, John12346, JoshuaC95, Jozzalanco, Kanadian-Keith, KarpaL-TunnaL, kdfsjljklgjfg, Kiddmeizter, KillerClam, Kunera, Kuro, ladimuss, LCurtis, life, Life-Stream, LightandDark, Little-Eise, LordJaric, LordRod, Lost-Wisdom, LuigiBot, MacUser, MAYORMCHEESE, Mendou, Mesora, MetalZombie666, MindChamber, Mis-Diagnosed, Mizox, Moonkey, moptopzombie, MortifiedPenguins, MusicalRocky, naruto-ninja999, Neonyx, ngmastah, NickTheBic, ninja-pirate-monkey, ObsessedOne, Officer, OneUp, Oznim, PapoSwing, Paradox, Pauly, Peacekid, peeetah, Phantox, PhatMatt17, phoenixma, Phsyco-Mantis, PlanetClock, poolkill, Pow3rCrazy, Preternatural, PrinceFlea, Psychology, Punk-Noodles, Qminus, Rabid-Echidna, Rake-Sandwich, Ramones-Fan, Randominator, RaptorIV, Raymoondo, reality-monkey, ReallyFunnyGuy, RedElephant, ReThink, RicardoJr99, rome-lherison, ROY4L, Rudy, SACP, SavvasSavvinidis, Saza, ScaryDeadGirl, Schmut, sean5892, SeeInTheDark, Sekhem, Senri, ser2000, Serbian-terrorist, Shadow186, ShiningCross, Siggles, SIipperyMooseCakes, Simon, Sk8erGirl13, Sk8rDOOD, Skeik-Sprite, SlipperyMooseCakes, Smartdog, Snicp, Snubby, Soul-Blade, Spectacle, SpeshilKay, SpikeAlpha, spite-skater, StoneColdSoul, Sunglasses, Supacomix, SupaTuna, Superawesomeness, SuperMikeK, tecks-mecks, TeeBird, TehPhilippe, Temariix, texsuo132, That-Is-Bull, the-leper-affinity, The-Redangleprince, theartofkc, TheBlackDahliaMurder, TheBlueNeck, TheDeathOfHell, theicecubeclock, TheMaster, TheRadicalOne, TheReno, TheRoyalEnglishman, TheSnakeSkull, TheThing, thomtomw, Tim620, TjA, ToasterDemon, TOEZ, Toocool100, Total-Havok, towelie101, Trambamboline, Trunks2, Truth, turbosquad, TwilightFox, Tyman905, UltimateAxl, untouchableG, USERNAMED, uzi47, VegetarianMeat, VictoryGin, videogame10freak1, videogamer0810, Viking-Axel, WasabiClock, washburnxplayer, WhipperSnapper, WilliWowza, Winned, wismty, wisthekiller, wizzmarkie, Wooblers, Wurmy1029, X-Naut, Xavon, xboxbob11, xXCostelloXx, Yeury, Yghrulez, ZachMM
I even got a few threads made about me:
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/78 2554
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/78 2348
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/78 2296
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/78 2254
I carefully avoided moderator names while I was spamming, just because I was afraid of the off-chance I'd get banned and because I didn't want them to be bothered by my spamming; I wanted to INDIRECTLY annoy the shit out of them. How many "WTF THIS ARE HAX I DIDN'T WRITE THESE REVIEWS" private messages do you think are being PM'd to Tom and Wade right now? Basically, what I've done is practically (haha, 'practically') harmless, one spam PM to a few hundred users; however these users are making it into an epidemic.
On my userpage, I'm not actually doing anything based on what users are saying, but I wanted it to seem like somehow I would be hacking the accounts of random users on request. I also had fun with a few responses, where someone wrote "faggot" I responded saying Justin Timberlake will have his reviews inspected (a lame joke, but more just a joke at TomFulp's expense, what with his JT fetish as of late). I also used my HEGR account to write a nasty comment, just for shits and giggles.
In conclusion, I love you all, I hope no administrative action is taken against my account, suck my pee-pee.
Another thread about me: <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/782698">http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/7 82698</a>